
The list here is meant to be consulted before a PR is submitted/merged to sandbox:


  • Headspace: "raw materials to be used in building the app"

  • All the static data for the element should be hardcoded - not properties

  • Compose elements within elements - try to keep things DRY

  • Element name matches file name

  • No unused properties

  • All properties have the correct attribute conversion type

  • Use enums or unions instead of primitive types where appropriate

  • Sane defaults (don't rely on the Storybook mock to set a property)

  • Displayable strings should be outside of the render function (or at least outside the return html) and prefixed with STR_

  • Use lit-html's nothing instead of null or "" when inside an html template

  • Use the suggested conditional syntax when there are multiple conditions

  • Use top-level CSS Vars for colors

  • Use inheritance where appropriate (such as re-using styles)


  • Plan the architecture carefully and consider how the element is intended to be used, not just as a wrapper for a bunch of HTML/CSS. Container elements with nothing other than slots and styles are absolutely fine, as are static elements that have no properties. Complex large elements that abstract over a ton of functionality are fine too if that's what's needed. For example, when separating this way, you may find that "my-custom-page" gets broken into a generic re-usable container which has nothing to do with that specific page, and only needs to be slotted with the custom content.


  • Headspace: "temp prototypes for QA, app reference, or Element tests"

  • Should mostly be about configuring and composing elements for interactivity. Move static data to the appropriate element.

  • If it corresponds to an element, names and directory structure should match

  • Storybook title nesting should match directory structure

  • Args/Props should be defined properly (tip: use the snippet)

  • Set the appropriate Control type (e.g. radios for unions/enums)

  • For now - prefer using HTML directly instead of importing and re-using component functions (makes it easier to copy/paste the HTML for now, due to a bug in the "view source" functionality in Storybook)

  • Displayable strings should be outside of the render function (or at least outside the return html) and prefixed with STR_


  • Think of Storybook as like a visual approach to TDD. It's only a way to test and see the elements, and how they compose together - not where you build the elements.


  • File is in the correct directory structure

  • Cleanup temp code. It's okay to commit it, but clean it up with another commit before making a PR

  • Rebase before making a PR