Google Cloud Setup
The runtime secrets are accessed via Gooogle Secret Manager. Some of these are also in local .env
- DB_PASS: the database password
- INTER_SERVER: a random string to authenticate inter-server communication
- JWT_SECRET: a random string used to sign JWT tokens
- SANITY_TEST: not really necessary, just to make it easier to test that things are working correctly
- ALGOLIA_KEY: algolia key
- ALGOLIA_PROJECT_ID: algolia project id
- GOOGLE_S3_ACCESS_KEY: the access key for accessing cloud storage like s3
- GOOGLE_S3_ACCESS_SECRET: the access secret for accessing cloud storage like s3
- SENTRY_DSN_PAGES: Sentry Pages
Backend - Cloud Run
- Create a service account with a new name and:
- the following roles (if not done here, add the account to IAM and do later)
- Cloud SQL Client (optional)
- Compute Admin
- Service Account Token Creator
- Cloud Run Admin
- Secret Manager Secret Accessor
- EventArc Admin
- the CI service account as a user access (if not here, can be given
Service Account User
in permissions later)
- Create an initial cloud run service and assign its service account to this new one
- If not part of the initial flow, edit and deploy a new revision and change in
tab - at this point the deploy will fail - CI will fix it later
- If not part of the initial flow, edit and deploy a new revision and change in
- If Cloud SQL access is needed, assign it
- If the Cloud Run instance needs to create files for a storage bucket - assign it as an admin for that bucket (via the bucket page)
- Assign the custom domain if it's exposed to the outside world
Backend - Cloud Functions
Used to purge FastlyCDN when certain buckets change
The domain names need to be set in index.js
Backend - Compute Engine (for media sync)
Similar to Cloud Run, but the only access the service account needs besides compute engine is to the target media bucket
Remember to enable Cloud SQL Admin API
Try to keep things in the same region, for example europe-west1
Every bucket has:
w/ Object Viewer permissions- Fastly CDN proxy
- The service account assigned as Storage Admin if it needs write access
- If not using a CDN, set the default index.html and 404.html (setting it anyway, via gsutil if not using an explicit domain as bucket name, doesn't hurt)
See CI/CD for more detail