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//! routes for the global animation library
use super::ApiEndpoint;
use crate::{
AnimationCreatePath, AnimationCreateRequest, AnimationDeletePath, AnimationGetPath,
AnimationId, AnimationResponse, AnimationUploadPath, AnimationUploadRequest,
/// Get an animation by ID.
pub struct Get;
impl ApiEndpoint for Get {
type Path = AnimationGetPath;
type Req = ();
type Res = AnimationResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Get;
/// Create an animation.
pub struct Create;
impl ApiEndpoint for Create {
type Path = AnimationCreatePath;
type Req = AnimationCreateRequest;
type Res = CreateResponse<AnimationId>;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Post;
/// Upload an animation
/// # Flow:
/// 1. User requests an upload session URI directly to Google Cloud Storage
/// a. User uploads to processing bucket
/// 2. Firestore is notified of `processing = true, ready = false` status at document `uploads/media/global/{id}`
/// 3. Animation is processed and uploaded to the final bucket
/// 4. Firestore is notified of `processing = true, ready = true` status at document `uploads/media/global/{id}`
/// # Notes:
/// * Can be used to update the raw data associated with the animation.
/// * If the client wants to re-upload an image after it has been successfully processed, it must repeat
/// the entire flow instead of uploading to the same session URI.
/// Errors:
/// * [`401 - Unauthorized`](http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED) if authorization is not valid.
/// * [`403 - Forbidden`](http::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN) if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the action.
/// * [`501 - NotImplemented`](http::StatusCode::NOT_IMPLEMENTED) when the s3/gcs service is disabled.
pub struct Upload;
impl ApiEndpoint for Upload {
type Path = AnimationUploadPath;
// raw bytes
type Req = AnimationUploadRequest;
type Res = AnimationUploadResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Put;
/// Delete an animation.
pub struct Delete;
impl ApiEndpoint for Delete {
type Path = AnimationDeletePath;
type Req = ();
type Res = ();
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Delete;