1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
use crate::{
api::{ApiEndpoint, Method},
JigCodeListPath, JigCodeListRequest, JigCodeListResponse, JigCodePath, JigCodeResponse,
JigCodeSessionsListResponse, JigCodeSessionsPath, JigCodeUpdateRequest,
JigPlayerSessionCreatePath, JigPlayerSessionCreateRequest, JigPlayerSessionCreateResponse,
JigsWithCodesPath, JigsWithCodesResponse,
/// TODO: update these docs. Out of date.
/// Create a player session from a jig. Requestor needs permissions over the jig.
/// # Flow
/// 1. Author/admin creates a player session using [`POST /v1/jig/player`](Create)
/// * This is represented by a *session code/index*
/// 2. Unauthed user instantiates the player session. This creates an instance of a session. [`POST /v1/jig/player/session`](instance::Create) returns:
/// * A short lived token, which identifies the guest user and the session instance.
/// * The player session settings.
/// * `JigId` of the JIG on which the session was created.
/// 3. Unauthed user posts short lived token to complete the instance. [`POST /v1/jig/player/session/complete`](instance::Complete)
/// * This increments the play count of the jig.
/// * Deletes the completed instance from the DB.
/// The hierarchy here is Jig -> Player Session -> Session Instance, where each arrow is a one-to-many mapping.
/// Each level is uniquely identified by `JigId` -> `JigCode` -> token.
/// # Errors
/// * [`400 - BadRequest`](http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST) if the request is malformed.
/// * [`401 - Unauthorized`](http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED) if authorization is not valid.
/// * [`403 - Forbidden`](http::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN) if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the action.
/// * ['404 - NotFound'](http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) if the jig does not exist.
/// * ['409 - Conflict'](http::StatusCode::CONFLICT) if a code already exists for this jig.
/// * [`503 - ServiceUnavailable`](http::StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) if some how we have reached the maximum number of possible session codes.
/// # Note
/// The code is computed with the following procedure:
/// 1. Generate a random code in the range 0..MAX
pub struct Create;
impl ApiEndpoint for Create {
type Path = JigPlayerSessionCreatePath;
type Req = JigPlayerSessionCreateRequest;
type Res = JigPlayerSessionCreateResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Post;
/// update a code
pub struct Update;
impl ApiEndpoint for Update {
type Path = JigCodePath;
type Req = JigCodeUpdateRequest;
type Res = ();
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Patch;
/// List codes creator by user.
pub struct GetJigCode;
impl ApiEndpoint for GetJigCode {
type Path = JigCodePath;
type Req = ();
type Res = JigCodeResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Get;
/// List codes creator by user.
pub struct JigCodeList;
impl ApiEndpoint for JigCodeList {
type Path = JigCodeListPath;
type Req = JigCodeListRequest;
type Res = JigCodeListResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Get;
/// List codes creator by user.
pub struct JigsWithCodes;
impl ApiEndpoint for JigsWithCodes {
type Path = JigsWithCodesPath;
type Req = ();
type Res = JigsWithCodesResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Get;
/// list sessions of code
pub struct JigCodeSessions;
impl ApiEndpoint for JigCodeSessions {
type Path = JigCodeSessionsPath;
type Req = ();
type Res = JigCodeSessionsListResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Get;
/// Endpoints for unauthed users to access jig player sessions.
pub mod instance {
use crate::{
api::{ApiEndpoint, Method},
PlayerSessionInstanceCompletePath, PlayerSessionInstanceCompleteRequest,
PlayerSessionInstanceCreatePath, PlayerSessionInstanceCreateRequest,
/// Create a session instance
/// # Auth
/// * No auth
/// * Returns a token that needs to be cached. See #Flow section under [`player::Create`](super::Create)
/// # Errors
/// * [`400 - BadRequest`](http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST) if the request is malformed.
/// * ['404 - NotFound'](http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) if the jig player session does not exist.
pub struct Create;
impl ApiEndpoint for Create {
type Path = PlayerSessionInstanceCreatePath;
type Req = PlayerSessionInstanceCreateRequest;
type Res = PlayerSessionInstanceResponse;
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Post;
/// Complete a session instance and update the jig play count
/// # Auth
/// * Requires the token returned in [`Create`](Create)
/// # Errors
/// * [`400 - BadRequest`](http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST) if the request is malformed.
/// * ['404 - NotFound'](http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) if the jig player session instance stored in the token does not exist.
pub struct Complete;
impl ApiEndpoint for Complete {
type Path = PlayerSessionInstanceCompletePath;
type Req = PlayerSessionInstanceCompleteRequest;
type Res = ();
type Err = EmptyError;
const METHOD: Method = Method::Post;